Thursday, March 1

Test 2

This only looks slightly more pixelated... at Med res fine quality.

Test 1

I am still trying to figure out these white bars... so, a test or two is in order, I think.

Normal quality. Hi Res.

Sunday, February 25

The Armory Show

I spent the better part of my day - and the best part of my day - at The Armory Show here in NYC. For those who aren't familiar, this is the International Fair of New Art. So basically, it's a ton of galleries showing their artists' works.

So of course, I took a few photos of the work I most enjoyed. Please, please forgive me for not having the artists' names & their works' titles. I will work on that & update ASAP.

I also have a few shots of my own take on the "scene" at Pier 94...

I'll start with those.

(more technical difficulties tonight... i am trying to get the photos posted... please check back again if they aren't following this post...)

Stick a Fork in it...

This piece is not only "done"... that little red dot on the wall means this piece is SOLD!

New Jenny Holzer

This photo doesn't do this piece justice at all.
The white lights of the LED... the purple glow from behind the curved screen...
It was really lovely.