Tuesday, August 21

Decorated the Crutches

Winnie the Pooh & butterflies & dragonflies too!!

Monday, August 20

Electro-Shock Therapy for Knee Pain

No, really!

Part of my physical therapy is to have electrodes placed on either side of my knee cap and turned on until I can feel the shocks tingling my skin. I have this done for 15 minutes while my knee is wrapped in an ice pack.

Eventually I may also have the same type of electro-shock therapy on the quad muscle in my thigh to help bring it out of atrophy.

Sunday, August 19

Kinetec's Kinetic Motion Machine Remote

The number on the far left is how straight (in terms of degrees) the Continuous Passive Motion Machine makes my leg (-10). The number on the far right is how many degrees my knee is going to be bent (90). The middle number is where I am in the program (-2).