Wednesday, December 31

Wishing Everyone a Splendid Start to 2009!

Friday, December 26

Owl Test

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Thursday, November 27

Live from Times Square @ the Macys Day Parade!

Saturday, November 8

Lady (Liberty) in Red

As seen Wednesday night in a display on 14th Street.

Friday, November 7

Pickle Pops - Only a Quarter!

Concessions @ the game... Go Owls Go!

Seeing Owls in Everything

I must have already had the Hondo Owls Homecoming game on my mind.
Texas High School Football - Catch the Fever!


It doesn't matter, really, if one is happy or sad or worried or even unsure if it matters that Barack Obama was elected President last night.

We cannot deny that this is a watershed moment in American history. A time when we, as a nation, spoke loudly at the polls. When a new generation of voters and a new type of mobilization of those voters was formed.

With an almost 2-1 margin we elected not only a man of color, but a young politician with a young family. We just brought small kids back into the White House. We have changed the energy that will reside in those hallowed halls.

We can still be cynical, if we want to. That is our right in this democracy.

But we should not doubt that History was made.

As Americans we should all take pride in that.

Tuesday, November 4

To risk paraphrasing... I have never been so proud to be an American. Or of my country. Or of my fellow citizens. This is truly awesome.
MSNBC just called Obama the projected winner.
I voted! About 45 minutes... Not bad really.
My district is filled with apartment dwellers like me and has a hot state election...We are on a double line. Waiting.
On line waiting to vote.

Wednesday, October 29

This Taxi Ride...

is brought to you by The Great Pumpkin

Beautiful, Cute & Fair

As seen on a restaurant's Ladies Room mirror:

Somehow I 'm doubting most people are thinking "clever or shrewd" when they describe someone as "cute". But what do I know?

Monday, October 27

Wednesday Night - Board on the Train

These photos really don't do this skateboard justice - it was a pretty interesting board.

Echos of the Last... Sheesh... Almost Fortnight!

Sorry kids, I've been a busy girl!

So far, I am enjoying this Autumn an awful lot.

Saturday's Brunch - Can You Say YUM?!?!

Scrambled eggs with fresh poached salmon, scallions and shiitake mushrooms, homemade french fries, coffee, and a Blood Orange Bellini.
Oh yeah, and yummy breads. With butter.

Mannequins Do Soft Porn?

Seriously? I'm not a prude, by any means, but this seems racy for a store window...

But hey, maybe I'm just a crazy lil' cat lady, shaking her cane on the porch at those darned kids.

Bootleg Stills from the Art of Corin Hewitt

As Seen at the Whitney Museum this past Friday night.

Thursday Eve - 7 Train in Sunnyside

Simply - Graphically - Beautiful

Simple - Graphic - Beauty

Tuesday's Memory Dump

Close to 200,000 items deleted.

THAT was satisfying.

Sunday, October 19

Waterfall Bound

Governors Island Ferry - Last Saturday Evening of the Season

Saturday's First Find: Underground Brass

Is it just me - or does Brass Underground have a familiar ring to it? Hmmmm....