Wednesday, July 30
Yet Another Film Shooting on my Block
Some people have a "look"... I guess some streets do too.
Movie Making Never Looks as Glam as it Sounds
Tuesday, July 29
I apologize, Dear Viewer, for my lapse in posting this week's images. You will find the collected below. I endeavor to return to timely posting.
Today in Grand Central: Give this Cone a WIDE Berth
Holy Cornered Cookie Jar, Batgirl!
Seen Saturday
Cats Dig Corona
Friday: Waiting for Captive Audience
Flying the Friendly Skies
In-Flight Provisions
Nuts Provided by Starbucks
And To Your Left... The Sun is Setting
The Incision (with 100+ staples)
"Steri-Strips" Look Like Bike Tread
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