Thursday, September 11
Journeying Home... The Painted Building
Posted by Unknown at 12:53 AM||On Permanent Display|| 0 comments
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Silvercup Sunset
Posted by Unknown at 12:47 AM||On Permanent Display|| 1 comments
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Absolute Ad I Do Not Get:
Posted by Unknown at 12:44 AM||On Permanent Display|| 0 comments
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Wednesday, September 10
Smooshed into train... Doors open @ stop b4 mine... Woman on platform sees crowd inside & exclaims "Ugh! You have GOT to be kidding ME!" Yep Haha
Posted by Unknown at 8:01 PM||On Permanent Display|| 0 comments
Tuesday, September 9
6:15 PM @ a Pay Phone Bank in Grand Central Terminal
Posted by Unknown at 8:29 PM||On Permanent Display|| 0 comments
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Missing Posts vol 2: The Rats on the Upper West Side Have Their Own Station?
Posted by Unknown at 1:49 AM||On Permanent Display|| 0 comments
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The Missing Posts, vol 1: The Bee Adventure
Well, as long as I'm posting for real... I'll give you all the whole story on the bee photo I originally posted last month.
I was headed out to work one fine morning, and saw these flowers had bloomed across the street. Crossing to get a better look, I discovered this entire bush was currently being serviced by about a dozen bees! Curiously enough only one of these was a bumble bee.
Perhaps this would be a good time to mention that in all my years (I fear I'm old enough to use this phrase and not have it be ironic) I have never been stung by a bee, a wasp, or any other potentially dangerous insect. However my mother always warned she was allergic to bumble bees, and thus I've been terrified to be stung.
All that being said, I was hell-bent on getting a picture of a bee inside a flower - best of all being the jumbo-sized bumble bee. I admit it, I was rather impressed with myself for even trying to get this shot. Hence this first photo is the result of the bee flying out of the flower and in my general direction, causing me to jump back and take the picture at the same time.
On my second try, I at least got the bumble bee in the shot. Really, that's the bee up at the top. Yeah, the fat black dot just to the left of the window. Aw, come on, can't you see the wings?
And the triumph of the whole crazy bee-stalking saga (did I mention this went on for about 20 minutes?):
The Bumble Bee inside the Flower!
(No, really, it is a bee, I swear.)
Let it never be said that I'm not out there, trying to capture those interesting moments so I can bring them to you, Dear Viewer. ;^)
Posted by Unknown at 1:20 AM||On Permanent Display|| 0 comments
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Monday, September 8
Tin Can, Picket Fence
Posted by Unknown at 9:04 AM||On Permanent Display|| 0 comments
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Here is My Handle, Here is My Spout
Posted by Unknown at 9:00 AM||On Permanent Display|| 0 comments
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A Little Rusty Maybe, but Still Working for the Cause
Posted by Unknown at 8:58 AM||On Permanent Display|| 0 comments
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Irish Night at Shea
Posted by Unknown at 8:55 AM||On Permanent Display|| 0 comments
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